Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Welcome To Rosie's June Garden.

This is what my driveway looks like today
after I did a "little" weeding in the garden yesterday,
pulling up spent larkspur, cilantro, money plant,
clippings, and weeds.
And I still have more to go.
And this doesn't count the three packed garbage barrels
that the trashman picked before I refilled them.

My first glad is blooming.
Love this color.

Pretty little lily.

Lace-cap hydrangea.


Gaillardia or blanket flower.

More lilies.

One of my favorite roses - Tiffany.

 Echinacea, or coneflower, against my larkspur.

 My swan, Irene,
whom ThatBitchIrene deposited in my yard.

 Passion flower.

 Orange cosmos.


 Dainty little columbine.


I am grateful for my garden.


  1. Just lovely, my gardens pale in comparison.

  2. We got hit pretty hard by 6 degree weather, and then not being able to start seeds because of personal problems. So, not so lush this year, but getting better.
