Friday, November 19, 2010

October 21. Sedona, Arizona.

I'm checking the map and reading in my Triple A TourBook to Arizona, and Sedona is not far from where we are. Mother Nature was kind to Sedona, blessing her with beautiful red rock cliffs and monoliths, sharp light, and bright blue skies. Artists flocked here and galleries and studios are everywhere. This passage from my AAA book inspired me to go here: Alongside artists live spiritualists, who embrace the energy set forth by such natural splendor. Sedona is purportedly home to several vortexes, specific fields that emit energy upward from the earth. First channeled and defined by Page Bryant in 1980, a vortex is said to emanate three types of energy: electrical (masculine), magnetic (feminine), or electromagnetic (neutral). Found at various locations, these natural power fields are though to energize and inspire. Sedona is said to contain a curiously high number of vortexes and is one of the few places in the world that posses all three types of energy. Countless businesses in Sedona specialize in new age medicine, and many offer vortex or spiritual tours. What the hell does this mean? Other than Imonna see a lot of people wearing Birkenstocks and sporting crystals and Imonna smell patchouli wafting out of every store I got nuttin'. You can read more about the newaginess of Sedona HERE. Naturally Rosie had to go here.
Enjoy the pics. First, the road to Sedona. I opted, as always, for the scenic route.
Now we're entering the staggering yuppiness of Sedona.
We're at the Visitor Center in Red Rock State Park and lots of little critters left their tracks in the sidewalk.
This little guy's track has me stymied, if you know what I mean.
I liked this house and how it blends into the mountainside.
Holy Crap! I think I just glimpsed my aura in the left glass panel.
Here's a nice crystal I wanted to bring home. It was on "special" for $44,000. Mr. Hawthorne wouldn't buy it for me. He can be very difficult at times.
This one was only $13,000. Rosie will remain crystaless.
This place is just plain freaky.
I soooooo wanted to stop here and get a photograph of my "aura" but I was scared I'd find out I had no aura.


  1. Angel wing sale? Uh.... where do they get them?

  2. Ummm. Kathy, I ASSume they get them from shoulders of Angels.
    You put your knee in there first.
