Mr. Hawthorne and I
went to Harris Teeter Thursday afternoon,
since we hadn't been there in ... oh ... 2 days.
They had a lovely monkfish there,
also known as "poor man's lobster."
The only edible parts of the monkfish
are its tail and its liver.
The tail meat is delicious - very dense, sweet,
and similar to lobster tail in both flavor and texture.
I guess monkfish used to be cheap,
since it's called "poor man's lobster."
But this monkfish was $10.99/pound
and I used to pay $8.99/pound for whole lobsters
at our beloved SeaMark grocery store,
a locally owned wonderful store
which Harris Teeter bought out.
I miss my SeaMark.
Anyways, we went ahead and bought a small
fillet of monkfish for supper.
Mr. Hawthorne is all up my grill about how I'm going
to prepare this seafood.
"Well," he says, "You know how I would do it ..."
"No," I says, "I don't. Since you ain't gonna be doin' it."
So then he just shut up for a while.
You know, if you're going to be telling me
how to do something that I'm OK about doing,
Then, he starts up again:
"Well, are you going to bake it?"
"NO. I'm poaching it."
"Hmmm... that just might work."
"So glad I have your approval."
my homemade shrimp stock
whole almonds
salt and pepper