Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cute Dixie Wakes Up, Stretches, Goes Out, Rolls In Stench, Takes A Bath, Then It's Naptime.

This is Dixie's routine when she wakes up every morning. Only after she does all this is she ready to get out of bed. Upon awakening and going through her stretching, and yawning, and rubbing her eyes, she's ready to go outside to "do her business." And why do I envision Dixie going to the front yard, setting up a desk, hanging up her shingle, and opening up a briefcase every time I hear about a dog doing his or her "business?" When she came back in, she had her hang-dog look. I know this look. It is the look of GUILT. She had rolled in something. And it's the same vile odor she rolls in every single time and the same stench that Rosie, my sainted Lab, used to roll in. I believe it is nutria excrement. Dixie loves her bath.
Dixie surprised me in the above video. Usually, she circles around for about 20 times. This time she was down on her pillow in record time.
Sweet pampered Dixie. By the way, the towels have been heated in the dryer. She likes them warmed up.


Marilyn said...

I think Dixie rolls in the smelly stuff so she'll get a bath. Sneaky Dixie.

Anonymous said...

Can I send GeeGee over to your house for a bath....It looks so much easier adn more fun at your house ....and the warm towels....GeeGee would like that Nancey

Rosie Hawthorne said...

Nancey, Send GeeGee over any time.
I would love to meet her. Dixie, probably not so much, since she's pissed at other dogs most of the time. Middle Hawthorne left tonight with Beau and Dixie is finally able to relax.

Marilyn, I KNOW Dixie does this so she'll get a bath. You should see her when she comes up to the door.
You can smell the guilt and the stench. And she laughs at me when she runs to the bathroom.

AVCr8teur said...

She looks so sad in that tub of water. Heat towels, how spoiled! Haha!

Rosie Hawthorne said...

Believe me, she's not sad at all.
She's loving every minute of it.