The climbing green is my moon flower vine,
one of my favorite plants.
Give it a few more weeks and
it will climb up to the deck and spread.
At dusk, you can sit and watch
the 5-6" white flowers open up.
Huge moths enjoy the nectar.
The purple at the base is setcreasea,
a type of wandering Jew.
It has tiny pink flower
and you can break off the stems,
stick them in the dirt, and they will transplant very easily.
This plant dies back in the winter and comes back in the spring.
If you notice on the left on top of the wood
there are a bunch of purple 1-inch tiles.
I keep finding these in the mulch I get from the recycling center.
I put a small collection next to the setcreasea.
Last year when ThetBitchIrene blew through,
I had 18-inch diameter terra cotta planters that the flood lifted
up out of their trays and floated about 20 feet away.
I also had timbers that the flood took for a swim down the street.
Those tiles, surprisingly, were unmoved by the flood.
Tiffany rose.
ThatBitchIrene gave me this swan.
Double delight rose.
My new desert bed.
When my neighbor cuts his grass,
I get his bagged clippings.
Makes for a nice mulch.
I like using different textures for mulch -
from the mulch I get free from the recycle center
to pine straw to grass clippings.
Gerbera daisy.
This is Physostegia virginiana, AKA Obedient Plant.
It is called Obedient Plant because you can bend
the individual flowers in any direction,
though I have no idea why anyone would do that.
This plant is rather disobedient in the garden.
It spreads rampantly,
so I always have plenty to give to other gardeners.
This looks like a verbena.
It's from a packet of wildflower seeds
I threw out last fall.
Rudbeckia or Black-Eyed Susans.
Gaillardia or Blanket Flower.
A member of the sunflower family (Asteraceae).
From that same wildflower packet.
Purple petunia-like flowers
on 3-4 foot tall stalks.
A fast and aggressive grower.
Dwarf Mexican petunia.
They also call this Ruellia,
but the two I have are different.
This one is a low grower and doesn't spread.
The other one is tall and spreads like wildfire.
The flowers are the same on both.
I wish I knew what this plant is
with the bright green leaves and dainty pink blooms.
Sorry, I'll go back and get pics
with my D-SLR so I can focus on the flowers.
Chives getting ready to flower.
See that Adirondack chair Mr. Hawthorne made
on the left under the deck?
I have plans for that chair next spring.
I saw this chair at
Nature's Harmony in Manteo.
I have big plans for that Adirondack.