Monday, August 20, 2012

The Inimitable Julia Child.

Many thanks to my reader, Meredith,
for sending me this GEM.


  1. Oh, Julia. She's just the best.

  2. That's how I learned to cook, Lea -
    from watching Julia every Saturday afternoon on my 9-inch black and white TV, armed with legal pad and pen.

  3. Who knew Julia could sing?

    I used to rush home from church so I could watch Julia Child cook.

  4. Mar, I used to closed my shop early on Saturday afternoons just so I could get home and watch Julia.

  5. Outside of cooking though, I find her whole life and attitude amazing and inspiring. Her book "My Life in France" is excellent. Highly recommended.

  6. I've read the book, Lea. The fact that she didn't start her career until she was well in to her fifties is quite inspiring.

  7. That was AMAZING Rosie! Thank you for sharing. She changed food in America and it's frightening where we would be without her to show us what wonderful things we can create in the kitchen. Her passion for good food and cooking was so inspiring. Again, thanks for sharing. Julia was a gem, indeed.

  8. SweetPhyl, Julia was the absolute bestest of the best.
