Merry Christmas!
This is a picture of Brother & Sister In Law Hawthorne.
I know Bro Haw loves to see pictures of himself in my blog.
I must apologize, Brother Hawthorne.
My assistant, Tiffany Garcia,
was unable to remember how she scanned and enlarged
the last photographs you sent me of yourself
on that horse in Monument Valley,
so's I could upload them to my blog,
There's a funny story with this picture.
Brother Hawthorne had an Indian guide.
The Indian told Bro Haw
he'd take $2.00
to ride his horse out on the butte
where John Wayne was in whatever movie
so's Brother H. could take a picture of him.
Brother Hawthorne told the Indian
he'd give him $20 if the Indian would let him
take his horse out on the peak
and the Indian take a picture of him.
so this picture you sent me is scanned and un-enlarged.
Damn that Tiff!
Happy Holidays !
Happy New Year!