Cherokee, NC -
Asheville, NC to Cherokee, NC.
Mr. Hawthorne and I were driving down the highway
on the way to Cherokee, NC,
when I espied this sign:
Naturally, I made him stop and turn around
which he was all too happy to do.
And that's how we ended up at Starvin' Marvin's.
Starvin' Marvin's has BigAZZ burgers.
Starvin' Marvin's has some poor gentleman
sitting in a disaster area.
He probably could have benefited from
leg braces as a child.
We forewent the restaurant
and their BigAZZ burgers
and went into the General Store.
I always like to know where I stand.
Mr. Hawthorne could not resist picking up a few cans of ...
... possum peckers!
I finally found out what to serve with that
can of pig brains we got at TJ's.
Like I've said so many times -
sometimes these posts just write themselves.
And they're great with scrambled eggs, right? I don't suppose he got a can for me, huh?