On route to Tennessee,
Mr. Hawthorne and I made a quick stop
in Cherokee, NC.
Cherokee, NC, is in the heart of the mountains
where the Great Smokies and the Blue Ridge meet.
The Blue Ridge Parkway originates here.
Cherokee People have protected this area
for over 11,000 years.

Traffic is backed up entering town ...

... due to the construction of another
Harrah Casino.
Gambling is big business here.
We stopped for a few minutes
to go through the Cherokee Museum,
a recognized authority on Cherokee history,
housing more priceless artifacts and archives than
anywhere else in the world.
This award-winning collection
tracks 11,000 years of Cherokee history.
Sorry, didn't take pics except for this one:

Too dark in there.

This is right outside the museum.

As it happened,
the fifth annual Southeastern Tribes Cultural Arts Celebration
was in full swing when we got there.
This event, held September 17 and 18,
brings together artists and craftspeople
representing the Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw,
Seminole, and Choctaw tribes
to present traditional tribal dances, storytelling performances,
craft demonstrations, primitive skills,
encampment, contests, games, and traditional foods.
I picked up a few brochures ...

... and I so wanted to stay
for the Indian Pole Dancing ...

... but alas, it was not meant to be.
Rosie , If you are paaing through Maggie Valley there is supposed to be an impressive antique motorcycle museum . I'll check back in if you want directions