Friday, September 10, 2010

Rosie's Moonflowers. Thursday And Friday, September 9th And 10th, 2010.

Thursday, September 9. Rosie sets up shop in the garden to get this moonflower bud opening. It didn't. Friday afternoon, I caught this one. It's the same bud as before. My Nikon CoolPix5100 does time lapse at the minimum of 30 seconds. The fastest part of moonflower-unfurling is in the first 30 seconds. For taking a time lapse video of a moonflower opening, I'd need something that would capture every 1-2 secs. My neighbors on the south side probably think I'm the Colington Idiot. I imagine each village must have one, and sadly, I fill in for Colington Harbour. I'm out every late afternoon/early evening at the base of the steps bending over, watching. My southern neighbors don't see the camera and tripod in front of me. They don't see my watching a spectacular gift unfurl. They don't see my watching a moonflower open. They only see my ass.