Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mr. & Mrs. Hawthorne Take A Drive Out To See The Wintry Sights.

Mr. Hawthorne and I took a short trip off the island this afternoon just to see the sights. Here's part of our trip going up Colington Road.

Click here for the video.

I especially wanted to check out
the Wright Brothers' Monument since I knew people would be taking advantage of the snow and having lots of fun.

I tweaked the picture of the monument
to give it a bit of contrast
and color. This is the same photo as above.
What do you think?

Here's the video at the monument. And here's the video going back to Colington. Just another example of cutting edge videography which keeps you all coming back for more.
Original picture at top.
Tweaked picture below.
Next we drove back to the park, soundside in Colington Island. If you click on the sign, you will see it reads: Granted to Sir John Colleton, Sept. 8, 1663. Colonized in 1965 by a company under Peter Carteret. During the English Civil War, Sir John Colleton served Charles I. When the English Monarchy was restored in 1660, Charles II rewarded Sir Colleton and seven other individuals for their support by granting them the land named Carolina. These eight individuals were called Lords Proprietors. Colleton brought a group of settlers from Barbados, along with their slaves, to establish a colony. Peter Carteret was appointed assistant governor of the Albemarle colony ( which would later become North Carolina) by the Lords Proprietors.
Original photo above
and tweaked photo below.
This quercus virginiana specimen, or live oak, is probably over 300 years old, and would have been here at the time of the first colonists.

Enjoy my pictures.

Before and after.

For more information about Colington Island and other towns on the Outer Banks, please check out this link.


  1. Oh boy! Thanks for freezing your fingers for your loyal readers!

  2. Very pretty. Glad you could have some of your very own snow. Ours is melting now.

  3. Hey, you used the same link for the live oaks I did. Cool. What did you do with your camera to fix the contrast?

  4. Lovely shots -- I love winter scapes, and these are delightful.

  5. Kathy, I used Picasa. You can do all sorts of stuff with that - tint, tone, b & w, sepia, sharpen. I usually use the "I'm feeling lucky" tab.

  6. Hi Rosie,
    My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
    I was looking for blogs about Colington to share on our site and I came across your post...If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
    Hope to hear from you!
