Friday, June 9, 2017

Rosie Makes A Breakfast Pizza.

 I like a leisurely breakfast.
I like pizza.
What could be better than pizza for breakfast?

I'm planning ahead 
and making the dough the night before.
A quick mix and knead,
cover and rise,
then an overnight in the fridge 
before waking up the next morning.

 Rosie's Pizza Dough
3/4 cup warm water
1 packet yeast
1 teaspoon sugar

 1 1/2 cups King Arthur Bread Flour
1 tsp kosher salt
Pour water into a small bowl.
Sprinkle yeast over top
and then sprinkle sugar onto yeast
and watch the sugar wrestle the yeast particles
to the bottom of the bowl.

Give it all a quick stir and let "proof."
The yeast "proves" it's alive
by producing carbon dioxide and the mixture will get bubbly.

Fork in flour and salt into wet mixture,
then knead dough until smooth and elastic.
If you need to add more flour, do so sparingly.
Place in oiled bowl,
cover with plastic wrap, and let rise until doubled.

I made the dough the night before,
covered it in plastic,
and then refrigerated it overnight.

The next morning,  heat oven to 500°
and take dough out to come to room temperature.

Press the dough out into a circle.
Press a bit, then rest.
Press and rest.
The dough doesn't want to give it up all at one time.
The dough likes to stretch and then relax.
Take your time with this part.

When you're satisfied with your pressing
and the size of your pizza,
let the dough rise for about 30 minutes or so.

During all that pressing and resting,
 assemble the toppings.
First you need some semi-homemade pizza sauce
Semi-homemade because I allow
 for cans of tomatoes or tomato paste here.

Homemade Pizza Sauce
 Mr. Hawthorne makes a fine pizza sauce.  It comes together in a matter of minutes and then only gets better with a little attention and time.  In a small saucepan, mix 1/4 cup tomato paste with 1/2 cup water.  We always have tomato paste on hand.  Whenever a recipe calls for that one tablespoon of tomato paste and you simply can't extravagantly buy into the convenience of having tomato paste in a tube, go ahead and open up the can, use the one tablespoon, then plop individual tablespoons of the rest of the paste onto wax paper or plastic wrap, place in freezer bags, and freeze. That way tomato paste is always convenient.  Now, if you happen to have real tomatoes, by all means use them.  We drop 5 or 6 into boiling water for about 15 seconds, then drain and peel.  Cut in half, squeeze to seed and juice.  Chop pulp and add that to saucepan. Heat over low heat until you get a bare simmer.  Next, some seasoning is involved.  Start with mere pinches.  Mr. Hawthorne uses sugar and kosher salt first, to get the tomato taste just right.  Tomatoes are acidic and you need to tame that first with the sugar.  The salt marries with the sugar and gives you another dimension of flavor.  Next he adds in a little bit of onion powder, dehydrated onions, granulated garlic, oregano.  Add a pinch of each, keep simmering, taste test.  Make it how you like it.  Mr. Hawthorne goes for not only taste, but texture as well.  There's a certain consistency he looks for as the sauce cooks.  And it takes about 30 minutes or so.  You don't need to hover over the sauce all that time.  Just check in every now and then, be sure it's not cooking too fast, stir it, taste it, season it if needed.  As I said Mr. H. is looking for a consistency in the sauce:  If you draw your spoon through the sauce, it should leave a trail.  If it's too thick, add more water.  Too thin, cook down some more.  It's a balance.  And that balance depends on your individual tastes. 

We usually have a container of this sauce in the fridge at all times.  Never know when the pizza bell is gonna go off!

Breakfast Pizza Toppings

a shmear of above pizza sauce
sliced mushrooms
chopped onions
crumbled cooked bacon
chopped sweet bell peppers, the more colors, the better
chopped onions
one egg per person
assorted cheeses 
(I finished off a package of Bucheron and grated some Swiss.)
drops of truffle oil

Top pizza as you like.

Here's how I did mine:

First, a light cover of the sauce.
Then I gave it a layer of spinach.

 Some sliced shrooms.

Bacon makes everything better.

 Peppers and onions.

 Bucheron cheese. 
Then I made a few indentations
and cracked in my eggs.

 Sprinkle on some grated Swiss cheese.

 My secret ingredient - truffle oil
Just 2-3 drops per egg.
This is potent stuff!

7 minutes
On a pizza stone.
I like a runny yolk.

 Watch out, Day!
Rosie is nourished and ready for you.

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