Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Rosie's Figs Are A-Comin' In And She's Makin' Figcaccia.

Rosie's figs are coming in.
What to do?  What to do?

I've made fig newtons, fig ice cream, sticky figgy buns, all manner of fig appetizers ...
You name; I've figged it.

What to do next?
Well, I'll tell you!
Make a fig pizza - it's figcaccia!

 This is the finished product.
And you know you want some.

First, I made a dough.
Just my regular pizza dough.
 Here's my dough, rising.

I cut the dough in half.
Saving one half for something later.  Probably pizza.  Put it in a zip-lock bag and refrigerate.

Using the other half tonight for the figcaccia.

I made some caramelized onions.

Then I started working on my dough.
Pressing it out.

Take your time pressing.
Press and rest.
Press and rest.
Then let it rise.

Bake the dough until lightly browned.

Spread with a mixture of Chèvre and Bleu cheeses.

Add on some caramelized onions.

Then some sliced, fleshy figs.


Brie cheese on top of figs.

Ready for baking.

And there ya go.

Beautemous and delicioumous.

Here are the how-tos and what-fors:

Rosie's Dough
1/2 cup warm water
1 package yeast
maybe a teaspoon of sugar

Sprinkle the yeast on top of the water.
Then sprinkle the sugar on top of the yeast.
Leave it.  Let it "proof."
That means the yeast "proves" it's alive.
By getting foamy and poofy.  It's hungry.  It's eating the sugar.  And emitting carbon dioxide and alcohol.
Next, fork in about  1 - 1 1/2 cups or so of bread flour.  Just enough to make a shaggy ball of dough.  Knead it, until it's a smooth and cohesive ball of dough.  Pour some oil in a bowl.  Roll the dough in the oil, cover, and let rise until doubled.

After the rising, I cut the dough in half.  Wrapped one half in plastic and refrigerated it.  Save it for pizza or something else later on.

 Press the dough out in an oiled pan, pressing and resting, until you have about a 10 x 12-inch rectangle.  Let it rise.

Bake the crust in a 350° oven for about 8 minutes, or until lightly browned.

Rosie’s Figcaccia
4 oz. bleu cheese, softened
4 oz. chèvre cheese (goat cheese), softened
1 onion, peeled, sliced, and caramelized
At least a dozen figs, sliced
Fresh rosemary
Brie cheese
Wildflower honey
Extra virgin olive oil

In a small bowl, mash together the softened bleu and chèvre cheeses.
To caramelize the onion, melt a tablespoon of butter with a little oil in a medium skillet over medium low heat.  Add in the onion slices with a pinch of kosher salt and a pinch of sugar.  Cook, stirring occasionally, until slices start to brown.  Take your time doing this, allowing the natural sugars in the onion to caramelize, resulting in an intensely flavorful concoction.  Remove from heat.

Assemble your fig pie:
Spread the softened bleu and chèvre cheeses evenly over the browned pizza crust.  Top with caramelized onions, as many sliced figs as you like, a sprinkling of fresh rosemary, a dab of brie cheese on top of each fig, and a light drizzling of honey and extra virgin olive oil.

Be sure you use wildflower honey made from bees who have feasted in your garden and live about 1/2 mile away.

Bake in a 350° oven until brie melts – 5-7 minutes.

This is just all sorts of good.


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