Saturday, June 22, 2019

Scallops And Corn Salad.

Today's lunch is courtesy of Mr. Hawthorne.
It's seared scallops with a corn salad.
And it's pretty darn good.

Rosie Note:  If I were doing the scallops,
I would have pulled that little rubber foot off the side first,
then dried the scallops, then seared them in hothothot butter and oil,
to give them a bit of color.
But I'm NOT complaining.
Somebody else is cooking a meal for me,
so I'll just shut up and eat.

By the way,
Mr. Hawthorne is going out on a limb today.
He's using ingredients he's never had before.
He doesn't know what they are 
and he doesn't know how to pronounce them.
Those ingredients would be
edamame and miso paste.
And yes, Rosie had them both on hand.
For the record,
edamame is fresh green soybeans.
(Mine came from Harris Teeter.)
The miso is soybean paste.
It's made from fermented soybeans 
and koji, which is a mold used in making sake.
You might have had miso soup in Japanese restaurants,
but there are many other applications for this ingredient.
Miso paste comes in different colors,
depending on the fermentation time.
The longer the fermentation,
the darker the color and the more intense the flavor.
Consider the flavor a savory boost of umami.

The lighter misos are fermented for shorter times
and are lower in salt than the darker varieties.
They have a milder, mellow, more delicate flavor
and are suitable for dressings and light sauces.

The darker misos are fermented longer
and have more assertive, pungent flavors,
suitable for heartier dishes,
like rich soups, braises, glazes, and marinades.

This is what I used.
Shiro miso.

I've had a container of miso paste in the freezer
for a while now and I can't remember where I bought it.
What with the miracle of Amazon Prime,
I'm sure you can have it delivered
 to your doorsteps in a couple of days.

Rosie Note:  I've been to Food Lions in Nags Head and KDH,
Publix, and Harris Teeter and I could NOT find any miso paste.
However, I took a trip down to Fresh Market
and was rewarded!
Several different types/colors of miso!

From Fresh Market's website:
Light sweet miso -  made from steamed soybeans, Koji-cultured brown rice, and sea salt.  Good in salads and slaws.
Brown rice miso -  made from steamed soybeans, Koji-cultured brown rice, and sea salt.  Richer and more complex than the lighter miso.  Good for miso soup, marinades, and dressings.
Dark aged miso - darker, rich, aged miso made from fermented soybeans, roasted barley flour, and sea salt.  Good in marinades, glazes, and sauces.
Yuzu miso -  a lighter style of miso, fermented with yuzu fruit and aged for 3 months. Has a floral aroma.
Sesame yuzo - another lighter miso, blended with puréed black and white toasted sesame seeds, aged for 3 months.  Has a savory, nutty flavor.

If you're able to find miso in your grocery store, know that there are three basic types -
white (shiro miso), yellow (shinshu miso), and red (aka miso).
White, or shiro miso, is the mildest and your most versatile miso.  Actually light yellow in color, it's made with fermented soy beans and rice and fermented for a short period of time, which makes it milder and sweeter.  This is your best choice to have on hand.  Good for dressings, soups, and light marinades.
Yellow miso, or shinshu miso, is light brown in color and is made from fermented soy beans and sometimes barley.  It's stronger than white miso.  Good for dressings, soups, marinades, and glazes.
Red miso, or aka miso, is the saltiest and most pungent miso, typically made with fermented soybeans, barley, and some other grain.  It ranges from red to dark brown in color and is good for heartier marinades and glazes.

Now that you know probably more than you wanted to about miso, let's eat!
We had corn on the cob,
so Mr. H. cut off the ends,
placed three ears in the microwave,
big end outside,
and nuked them for four minutes.
Then he sliced off the kernels.

Corn Salad
3 ears corn, prepared as above
1/4 cup chopped red onion
1 cup sliced cherry or grape tomatoes
(I use an assortment of colors here, for the pretty.)
 1 cup fresh edamame
1-2 TB chopped basil

Coat a medium skillet with oil
and sauté the corn over medium heat for about a minute.
Add in the chopped red onion
and cook for about 30 seconds.
Transfer corn and onion to a bowl
and add tomatoes, edamame, and basil.
Add dressing and toss.

2 TB miso paste
1 TB soy sauce
1 TB rice vinegar
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp lime zest
2 TB lime juice
1 tsp brown sugar
1/2 tsp grated fresh ginger
1 finely chopped jalapeño
3 TB vegetable oil
Whisk all ingredients, except oil, until miso is dissolved.
Slowly whisk in oil in a stream until well-combined.

Pour over corn mixture and toss to coat.
Season with kosher salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.

And not to worry.
The corn salad can be served at room temperature or cold.
For the scallops,
pour a film of peanut oil in an iron skillet,
get it hothot,
and add the scallops.
Maybe a minute each side.
Do NOT overcook!

I forgot the toasted sesame seeds.
Rosie smacks head!


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