Friday, September 19, 2014

For Your Viewing Pleasure ...

It's Vintage Recipe Friday.
You know you've missed those Jelloed Jewels from yesteryear.

I apologize if any of these are re-posts,
but if any are, it means they were "special."

Please enjoy!

This one has a little bit of everything.
It seems to be a balanced meal -
a sort of "throw everything in but the kitchen sink."
There appears to be some type of meat (ham?),
hard boiled eggs, unidentifiable objects (vegetables? fruit?).
All imprisoned in aspic.
Which I think I'll start spelling asspic.

This is intriguing.
I'll have a squirt of Squirt, please and thank you.
Because I'm a rambunctious kid.

Love the attention to detail.
Rotini pasta on top.
Two green beans interspersed with ... link sausages?
Symmetry is a virtue!

Why, this has the Rachael Ray Seal of Approval!

If this swam its way onto my buffet table, 
then it can just swim its way into my garbage can.
I must say, the shrimp heads along the back are a nice touch 
and one must appreciate the delicate piping
 on the mouth, eye, and whatever.
I do worry about the toxic sludge the "fish" is swimming in.
And I worry about the shrimp parasites/leeches
alongside the fish sucking it dry.
Gives me pause.

I've been saying this for YEARS!
Boldly go where no man has gone before.
And there's probably a reason for that,
but no matter -
don't let that deter you.
Just do it! 
 Can anyone identify anything besides bananas?

Forgive me if I just say no.

For that special valentine in your life,
when you can't be bothered to give a crap.

This is your brain on drugs.
I mean saltines.

I think we've discovered penicillin.

I love the restraint shown here by using only half a dog.
Personally, I would have gone with the whole dog,
but then, what do I know?
Nice artistic placement of potatoes(?).
Cheese?  Eggs?  Brown stuff?
I guess this is breakfast,
 since there's a super hero on what looks like
 a random cereal box in the background.

Let us out!!!

"Please, sir.  No more!"
I don't understand the placement of the finger, bottom right.
It's obviously pointing out something.
I just don't know what.

Oh, honey!
Dinner's ready!!
Come 'n' git it!!!

 I love it when the food itself tries to walk away.

Iceberg wedge with Russian dressing.
Tweeted by Martha Stewart.
Jeeze, Martha.

Onion soup.
Tweeted by Martha.

Foie gras walnut brioche.
Tweeted by Martha.

"Pasta handkerchiefs at crown-john delucie's
newest eatery on east 81st."
Tweeted by Martha.
Don't you know John Delucie's proud of this!
John to Martha, "Martha, please.
I beg of you.  Do not try to help!"

Tweeted by Martha.

"Watermelon goat cheese salad
with salt and olive oil at nougatine at jean georges."
Jean George to Martha, "Ms. Stewart,
I must ask you to leave immediately."

Tweeted by Martha.
I don't think Grenouille will stay the pre-eminent
French restaurant in NY if Martha has anything to do with it.

 Why, Martha?
Tweeted by Martha.
Someone take her cell phone away!

Enough with Martha.

I've saved the best for last.
And now, for my favorite ...
Drum roll ...............................

Nothing celebrates the birth of the Baby Jesus
like a ham, hot dog, sausage, and bacon crèche.
This will be on my breakfast table Christmas morning.


  1. Martha, you're drunk, go home.

    Step away from the phone.

  2. P.S. I never knew cartoon trout (?) suckled baby shrimp.

  3. That explains a lot, zzzadig.

    Anony, I don't know about trout, but apparently sea bass do suckle shrimp, after taking their heads off and aligning them down its back.

  4. Thanks for the laughs, Rosie. I needed it today.

  5. Squirt is grapefruit soda. I remember my mom drinking gin and Squirt when I was a kid. I liked to sneak a little taste, because it was so sour! Haven't thought of that in ages.

  6. Vera, I'd never heard of Squirt. If I ever see it, I'll buy it!

  7. Heh... Gin and Squirt. I like your Mama already!
