Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Welcome To Rosie's Garden.

 Baby elephant ears.

 Yellow creeping Jenny, yellow Celadon poppy in middle,
Tropicanna lily in back right.
 Fatsia Japonica in very back.


 Assorted leopard plants and ajuga.
Fatsia Japonica on left.

 Wild orchid and parsley.


 Yellow creeping Jenny with white salvia in back.

 I soooo didn't notice the bird crap.

  Little columbine getting ready to bloom.

 First irises opened today.


 Honesty plant.


Creeping Jenny with shamrocks in the back.


  1. Hello,
    You posted a picture of a very pretty and very large pink dahlia last year. Do you happen to know the name of it.

    Thank you so much
    Roseann Gutierrez

  2. Hi Roseann, Sorry, but I don't know the name of the dahlia. I buy a bunch of plants every year, so it's hard to keep track. The dahlia would have come from a package from the display at Food Lion. I bought a few more dahlias this year from Food Lion - blue ones - so check there for the pink. Hope you can find it! Rosie
