Sweet Autumn Clematis,
climbing up my mimosa.
climbing up my mimosa.
Smells divine.
These are Chlorophyllum molydites
AKA The Vomiter
Think I'll put a solar light inside.
Like a big light bulb.
Lacewing begonia.
Mushroom spore prints.
I love my little hummers.
Junior wants in!
Dogwood likes to visit Nana.
He gets the nip!
Double delight rose.
Physostegia AKA obedient plant.
Peruvian daffodil.
Garlic chives.
I have a neighbor across the canal who has beehives.
About 2 miles by car,
about 50 yards as the bee flies.
Pretty sure this is one of his bees.
I believe he owes me some honey!
Clitoria, or for the squeamish, butterfly pea.
I tripped and dropped a packet of coleus seeds here.
I likee.
Queen Elizabeth.
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