Monday, June 27, 2016


Sometimes, you just can't beat a cheesecake.

This lovely dessert is being brought to you
because I happened to have 8 ounces of coconut cream leftover.
"Leftover from what," you ask?
The coconut cream was left over
from a cocktail I made for a publication I write for.
They asked me to do cocktails.
I don't drink cocktails.
Except for the occasional margarita on Cinco de Mayo,
or if I'm in Cody, Wyoming,
and have a hankerin' for the tequila.
Been there.  Done that.
 The cocktail with the coconut cream 
was a Corolla Colada I made up.

Oh...  Where was I?
Again, I digest.
Oh, yes.
Let's take leftover coconut cream
and make moreover cheese cake!

Here's my explanation of "Moreovers:"
Nothing goes to waste in the Hawthorne Household.
And I don't refer to the remnants as leftovers.
Immediately after writing the word "leftovers,"
I knew I needed another word
that was more real, more definitive, and positive.
First I thought of the word re-do's.
But that implies it wasn't done right
the first time around
when it certainly was.
Then I considered do-overs.
But, of course,
that, too, has a negative connotation.
I've put a lot of thought into this
trying to come up with just the right word which describes
the process of what I do
in the life chain of the produce and viande
I prepare and serve and consume.

And my word is moreovers.

Think about it:
You've already produced and served
a wonderful, satisfying, convivial repast.
So, what's next?
MORE is next.
When you say "Moreover,"
you're likely going to top what you previously said,
put an exclamation point there,
and/or put it in bold or italics.
So, I have no leftovers.

Rosie's Coconut Cream Moreover Cheesecake

1 pkg. graham cracker
12 ginger snaps
1/2 stick unsalted butter, melted

Process all until well-combined.
Press into bottom and up sides of
 buttered 9-inch spring form pan.

8 oz. cream cheese, softened
3/4 cup sugar
8 oz. sour cream
8 oz. plain yogurt
8 oz. coconut cream
6 eggs
zest and juice of 2 limes
 1 TB vanilla

Process cream cheese and sugar until well combined.
Mix in sour cream, yogurt, and coconut cream.
Add eggs, one at a time.
Mix well. Stir in zest, lime juice, and vanilla.
Pour into prepared pan.
Cover bottom and sides of spring form pan with foil,
place in larger pan, and pour water 1/3 way up.
Bake at 350° for 20 minutes.
Reduce heat to 325° and cook 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Check throughout baking and tent with foil if needed.
Let cool completely, then refrigerate.

I had some lovely strawberries
which I sliced and put on top,
then I made a chocolate sauce and drizzled over.

Serve on a blue plate.


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