Thursday, May 28, 2015

Welcome Again To Rosie's Garden.

 Welcome to Rosie's Garden.
Please enjoy.

 Red poppy/Flanders poppy

 Red poppies, white and purple larkspur, blue bachelor buttons.

 More columbine.
 And more columbine.

Blooms all day long.

 California poppies.


Planted the beds.
Three types of basil.
Sugarsnap Peas.
Bush cucumbers.

Iris in my water barrel.

Cilantro blooming.

Ice plant/delosperma.

I love my roses.

Black iris with my Cherokee, NC, moccasin.



Blue bachelor button with cilantro flowers.


Tropicanna with creeping Jennie.

I found this pretty little yellow columbine.
I'm wondering what the leaf is behind it...


More columbines.

It's sorta kinda almost coming together.

Weeded all this bed today.
On hands and knees since I had to work around volunteers.
Good thing I did.
Found a few succulents from last year's succulent chair
which had self-seeded.
The succulents, that is, not the chair.


 Poppies, larkspur, bachelor buttons.


 I found the Black-Seeded Simpson growing near the compost pile.
Transplanted them in the vegetable garden.

 Cilantro going to seed.
I love the raw green cilantro seeds.
Very citrusy!

 When I want a salad,
all I need to do is walk out on the deck and pick.
Above are three pots with mesclun mix in it.

 More micro-greens.

 I just discovered this plant in the garden.
I think it's penstemon/beardstooth.

A pretty afternoon on Colington Island.

 Something different is blooming every day,
so please check back.