Saturday, April 30, 2016

Welcome To Rosie's Last Day Of April Garden And Home And Environs.

Good morning!

One of my little hummers.

Daddy Osprey on the left.
Mama Osprey on the right.
Females are generally bigger than the males.
Junior and I go by the nest every morning
on our walk around the block.
Have camera.  Will travel.

Run, Junior!
She's a-comin' fer ya.

Daddy's workin' the upsweep.

Purple larkspur in the orange poppies.
All these are volunteers.
I threw out seeds a hundred years ago
and these reseed everywhere.
Purple irises.

Bearded iris.


Another columbine.

More columbine.

Junior, getting his groove on.

Junior's dreaming of cowboys and Indians.

 I was looking out and noticed my osprey
flying back to his tree with a fish.
I drove back to the tree to shoot pics.
 Too bad it was a gray day
and there was no light.
 It's hard to tell,
but I think this is the female.
She has brown on her breast.
The male has white.
Whichever, the mate was squawking in the nest
while this one had breakfast.
 Then she squawked back at him to shut up.

 Coral nymph salvia.
