Sunday, November 4, 2012

November. And The Hawthornes Start On Their First Bushel Of Oysters.

 It was a Friday afternoon.
November 2, 2012.
The Hawthornes procured 
their first bushel of oysters of the season.
Actually, Mr. H. scored 3 bushels.
And we shared among the hoi polloi.
And there's a lotta hoi polloi 
in this neighborhood.

I ate my first raw oyster of the season.
It was sublime.
Now, it's Saturday.
We're having broiled oysters.
Rosie's making oysters two ways today.

My first oyster toppings:
 Peeled, seeded, and juiced tomatoes,
scissored pieces of bacon,
multi-colored peppers,
and red onion.

Bacon makes everything better.

 Mr. Hawthorne shucked the oysters.

 I topped half the oysters with the combo of
chopped tomatoes, red onion, peppers, and crumbled bacon.

 Give it some white cheese lovin'. 

 And some Chef Paul Prudhomme
Blackened Redfish Magic.
Until I can tell you how to make your own.

 That's the first half.

For the next half,
I'm using my go-to mixture for oysters -
melted butter
and a combination of grated Parmesan cheese (1/2 cup),
hot Hungarian paprika (1 TB), and a pinch (1 tsp) of sugar.
Adjust amounts to your own tastes.

Drizzle a little butter over top.

Then sprinkle on the Parmesan mixture.

You know how I like my action shots.

Ready for the broiler.

Simply heat through and melt the cheese.

Rosie is happy.
She has a bushel of oysters in her fridge
and a dozen or so in her belly.


  1. I'm curious as to how you store your oysters until you can eat them. How long do they last? Are they still alive until you shuck them? You can tell I'm not from the coast as I know not of these things.

  2. Oh, my poor little landlocked friend.
    We have a spare refrigerator in the utility room where we keep our oysters. They're in a plastic bag. Keep it sealed so they don't dry out. And we don't know how long they last, since we eat 'em before they go. I'd say three weeks. And yes. They're alive. Any open shells that don't close when you tap on them, throw out. You'll know a bad oyster when you open one.

  3. Thanks so much for the education. You have to understand that we have no chance of finding live oysters here, so I know nothing of these things.
