Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dessert Wars - The January Entries Are In.

As you may or may not know, I've entered a contest at a new blog, Dessert Wars.
Dessert Wars is the brain child
of Reenie of Cinnamon Spice And Everything Nice and Christine of The Cupcake Bandits. They're sponsoring a monthly contest for desserts.
The theme for January was "Go Nuts Using Nutella" and the January entries are all in. See here for a listing of all the entries and try not to drool all over your keyboard. Here's my entry: It's a Molten Nutella Truffle Chocolate Cake with Sweet Vanilla Creme Fraiche and Creme Anglaise. Recipe here. Winner will be announced tomorrow. Wish me luck! And I'm already working on my cake for the February contest.


  1. Keeping fingers crossed for Rosie.

  2. Oh, this looks amazing! Good luck, Rosie! I'm anxious for February's challenge, too.
