Thursday, July 31, 2008

Oh, Sister Dear? I Think We Need To Take A Trip.

Sister Dear, You may want to STOP right here
and go no further.
I certainly don't want to offend your delicate sensibilities.
And it is quite possible you my find this post offensive.
Proceed at your own risk.

Readers, if you recall, Sister Hawthorne took issue with me last week
for my liberal use of the f word.
I think she won't like this post too much.

A Little Austrian Town Named . . .
. . .

The newspaper article below is even funnier than the sign!

Are the residents called Fuckers?

What are the mothers called?

What would you be learning at the Fucking High School?

Does the Fucking Hospital help you with anything else?

If your friend came from another town, he wouldn't be your Fucking friend.

So nice to know that China is ready for the Olympics and the resulting influx of American tourists.

All this reminds me of the story told to me by a friend I used to work with.
Her last name was "Head."
And she said her brother had decided to name his first-born son "Richard."
This was so when he was called to the principal's office in high school the following would be announced over the PA system:
"Dick Head ... Dick Head ... Please report to the office immediately."

Chill, people.
These are just words.


  1. Didn't you once say you would try to cook anything we asked for? Hmmmm? So how about this:

  2. Well, that didn't work. I'll e-mail it to you and let you decide if you want to share...
