Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mr. Hawthorne Requests A Blackberry Cobbler And Homemade Ice Cream For His Birthday.

This is an old post I've had sitting
around since August 31, Mr. Hawthorne's birthday,
waiting to use it when I had a lull in my regular cooking.
Out of all the birthday cakes he could ask for,
Mr. Hawthorne wanted a blackberry cobbler
 with homemade vanilla ice cream.
 And tell me that picture doesn't make your mouth water.
I started out with a quart of blackberries.
 And I must admit I'm quite embarrassed because I ran out of sugar.
 I NEVER run out of sugar.
 So I used a cup of Splenda instead.
Mix one cup sugar or Splenda with the quart of blackberries
 and let sit for at least 30 minutes.
Drain the liquid off and save for later.
Sift the dry ingredients:
1 cup flour
1 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
I preheated my oven and placed 1 stick of butter in an 8 x 8 pan and melted it.
After 30 minutes, I strained the blackberries, saving the juice.
Stir in one cup of milk and 1 TB vanilla to the dry ingredients.
Stir the batter in with the melted butter.
Top with the blackberries.
Bake at 350 for 30 minutes,
then increase to 400 for 10-15 minute
s until cobbler is golden around edges.
Too bad you can't smell this.
 Nothing like a hint of cinnamon
 to make the house smell all happy and homey.
Ingredients for my ice cream:
 1 cup milk
2 cups heavy cream
 3/4 cup sugar
1 TB vanilla
Mix milk and sugar, then whip in cream and vanilla.
Pour the frothy mixture into an ice cream maker.
Twenty minutes or so later,
you have delicious homemade ice cream
 which is better than anything from the store.
Serve the cobbler hot with ice cream and the heated blackberry syrup.
Enjoy the pictures.


  1. I must make the cobbler. I'm thinking peaches or apples.

  2. Mrs. H, I so look forward to your blog! You are just too funny and I absolutely Daisy, Giada and Junior. Thank you for the laughs. I made my sister watch Mr. H's surprise birthday videos. She thinks I am a freak now, lol.

    I do have to ask,just how many birthday's Mr. H has in one year? Isn't this like celebration #50? LoL. Just jealous, tee hee.

  3. Opps, I meant Dixie, not Daisy, sorry.

  4. Hey Dogmama. No problem. I knew who you meant. :)
