Saturday, January 8, 2011

One Dish Breakfast Thanks To Mar, Of Foodies Untie.

Fellow blogger, Mar, of Foodies Untie blogdom recently posted about her frittata with ham. Seems her husband had bought a hundred pound ham again and dear Mar is trying to come up with different dishes to use up the ham. When I saw Mar's frittata, I knew this would be good and it was.
Here's the money shot.
I grated three potatoes, skins and all, onto a clean kitchen towel.
Squeeze out as much moisture as you can.
Heat up your pan, add a couple of tablespoons of oil, and press the grated potatoes into the pan.
I added in half a chopped onion ...
... and one slice ham, diced.
Press onions and ham into the taters.
I added some freshly ground salt and pepper and a few shakes of oregano.
Cook over medium heat, lifting edges with a spatula every now and then, checking for the desired level of brownness. When the potatoes are the way you like, invert the potatoes onto another pan ...
... then slide the potato cake back into the pan, to cook the other side. Or if you want to try your hand at flipping, then by all means, go for it. Be sure to take pictures for me.
Would you just look at my cheese?
Who the hell does this to my cheddar cheese?
Are those bite marks on the end?
While the potatoes are cooking on the other side,
assemble the rest of your ingredients:
 4 eggs
 some heavy cream
 1 slice ham, diced
the other half of the onion, chopped
 cheddar cheese, grated (enough to cover surface)
 salt and pepper
Whup the eggs.
Add in a tablespoon or two of heavy cream Season with salt and pepper.
Add the diced ham and chopped onions over the potatoes and pour in the eggs.
Sprinkle with grated cheddar cheese.
Into a 300 degree oven for about 10 minutes.

And here's my frittata.
Mar recommended adding a little Sycamore Falls Barbecue Sauce which I just happened to have on hand. Thanks, Mar!
I loved this. You have the crunch of the hash browns on the bottom. You have the goodness of the onions and ham. You have the egg and cheese. And it was all done in one pan. The barbecue sauce was the icing on the cake. The perfect foil to the frittata. Thank you, Mar, for another delicious dish.


  1. You're welcome, Rosie. What a coincidence that you happened to have some Sycamore Falls Barbecue Sauce on hand. Glad you liked the dish, though.

    I like your pictures, too.

  2. Sounds really good! I've always mixed my potatoes in with the other ingredients, but like the idea of the crispy crust on the bottom.
