Saturday, May 5, 2012

April 29, 2012. Yellowstone. Paint Pots. Part 4 Of 5.

The Hawthornes are exploring the West side Of Yellowstone.
(Roads on the East side aren't open yet.)
Enjoy the gray, sunless views from
Norris Geyser Basin to Paint Pots
to our destination today -
Old Faithful.


It's a 1/3 mile or so walk to the paint pots,
so Rosie will be going solo.

Mr. Hawthorne has had his fill of thermal features.

Paint pot.

Sometimes I think I've turned off the camera
but I haven't.

All I can think of is,
"What if I meet a grizzly bear?"
At least I'd have a video of my demise.

Oooooh ...  Lookie!
A forest denizen.

This is my friend, Chip.

For some reason,
I'm getting very hungry.

My body is craving red meat again.

Thin crust area.
For your safety
and the protection
of fragile features
stay on boardwalk.

Not a problem.
Again, my instinct is to get the hell out of here.

Stay tuned for Part 5 of Yellowstone.
Old Faithful!


Anonymous said...

I remember the paint pots. Looks like you've had a lot of gray days, missing that carolina blue sky?

Rosie Hawthorne said...

It was gray in Yellowstone, blizzard in Oregon, blue skies at Pacific Ocean. Made it to coast yesterday, after exactly 3 weeks on the road.
We are obviously in no hurry.