Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mr. Hawthorne Makes Oyster Soup.

Rosie is excited.
She got snow for her birthday!

When it's cold and gray and snowing outside,
nothing fits the bill better than soup.

Today, Sunday, was a lazy day.
We had me a birthday party Saturday night;
the Hawthornelets and their respective critters
have been home this weekend;
I've been cooking and cleaning all week.
So I'm not doing anything today.
Rosie is relaxing.

Mr. Hawthorne is preparing soup today.
Oyster soup.
Perfect for a cold, lazy day
when my only thought is carpe diem.

And I carped the diem real good.

I just sat back
and watched Mr. Hawthorne create.

  Mr. Hawthorne shucked about a quart of oysters.
About 4 dozen.
Save the likker.

Leek, celery, and mushrooms.
 Slice and chop.
 That much of each.

 Heat 1 tablespoon each butter and oil in pot.
Add in leeks and celery.

 Stir fry about a minute.

 Add in mushrooms.

 Cook another minute or two.

 Add in about 2 cups skim milk.

Strain the oysters,
reserving the likker.

Pour in about 1/4 cup oyster likker to 1/4 cup cornstarch.
This will be used later to thicken the soup.

 Add in strained oyster likker to the pot.
But not all.
Pour it in slowly,
but when you get to the last few tablespoons,
stop and throw it out.
You want to avoid any pieces of oyster shell
which might have settled to the bottom.

Mr. H. poured in about 2 cups of skim milk.
Heat through.

 Add in oysters.

 2-3 grinds of salt.
7-8 grinds of pepper.

 We've been using Chef Paul Prudhomme's
Seafood Magic seasoning lately.
Add in a heaping teaspoon.
If you don't have Seafood Magic,
substitute Old Bay seasoning.
If you don't have Old Bay,
then sub cumin, oregano, 
cayenne, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper. 

 Add in a heapin' cup o' half and half.

 And a heapin' cup o' heavy cream.

 Add in the cornstarch slurry.
Cook over medium-low until thickened.

 Serve with a few leaves of flat-leaf parsley and thyme.
I want to thank Glowria for my new spoons!
 There's an oyster or two in every spoonful.


 If you're lucky,
you'll get little crabbies.

Or a pearl.

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