Monday, November 10, 2008

Yummy Breakfast Treats.

You know what you do with leftover grits? You make wonderful, crispy fried grit cakes. When I came downstairs this morning, there were 4 of these babies sitting in a pan on the stove. I ate 'em all. Deeeee-licious.
An hour later, Mr. Hawthorne came into the kitchen and asked, "Where are all the grit cakes?" Uh oh. Me: "Wha?" Mr. H.: "The grit cakes. There were 4. Two for me, one for you, and one for Dixie." Me: (Thinking fast on my feet.) "Baaad, Dixie." Dixie: Sulks and lowers head. Mr. H.: "She ate 'em all?" Me: "I guess so." Mr. H.: "Liar." Me: "But they were really, really good. I thought you'd already eaten." Mr. H.: "Noooooo." Me: (Cheerily) "Well, you can read all about them on my blog." Mr. H.: Sulks, lowers head, retreats to his room. Poor Mr. Hawthorne.


Marilyn said...

Food just sitting there, unattended? I'd say they were fair game.

Kathy said...

Yeah, Mr Hawthorne. You snooze, you looze. I did that once to my at-the-time-spouse. I called him in for dinner, he preferred to stay outside talking endlessly to the neighbor, dinner was getting cold, I got mad and ate it all. He didn't repeat his mistake. I didn't repeat mine either.