Whenever Mr. Hawthorne plans one of his trips
to visit his mother and sisters,
I always shoot off an email to Maxine
inquiring about the availability of her sofa bed
for that particular weekend.
And she always graciously welcomes me.
We wine and dine,
reminisce and laugh,
and celebrate with friends and family
Usually Brother Hawthorne
and Sister In Law Hawthorne
drop by.
Sometimes even
Sistah Hawthorne and Brother In Law Hawthorne
are there.
Limitless possibilities.
Maxine is the ultimate hostess
and it's always a pleasure to bask in her hospitality.
I noticed Maxine's engagement calendar
next to my bed and I could not not look at it.
I apologize, Maxine.
Before I show it to you all,
please be aware that I asked permission first -
not that it's all that revealing
since I think Maxine and God
are the only ones who can decipher it.
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