Saturday, March 19, 2011

Rosie's Spring Flowers.

While I'm working on my post about dinner at Kelly's last night and Taste of the Beach, I give you some pretty flowers.
This is my purple stock - usually the first flower to bloom in the spring along with the jonquils and hyacinths. It has an intoxicating smell.
When I was out weeding yesterday, I found this little beauty. I've never grown it before and I don't know what it is. Mar? Can you help here, please? And that would be Marilyn of Foodies Untie blogdom.
I was trying to get some of the foliage so you can ID it for me, Mar. The spiky leaves that look kinda like dill are the leaves of my larkspur. You can see this flower's leaves at bottom left.
Here's a better shot at the foliage.
More stock.


  1. It is Baby Blue Eyes, Five Spot, Nemophila maculata

  2. Oh wait. You've already ID'd one of those. This one was in the front yard.
    The other one was in the back under the willows. I didn't relate.
