Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mr. Hawthorne Prepares Asparagus And Poached Cod For Dinner.

We've got asparagus out the wazoo, so we're eating it every day. It's so nice to be able to walk outside and cut my own asparagus.
Just a simple, quick saute in butter.
Mr. Hawthorne poached the cod filet in white wine. Two to three minutes each side.
Here, Mr. Hawthorne is just showing off his mad flipping skilz.
This is so light and delicious. For those of you who say you "don't like fish," please try cod sometime. It's not at all fishy. It's light. It's delicate. And it will take on the flavor of anything you cook it with. It's quite versatile.


  1. Gosh, I LOVE asparagus--so I'm very jealous. My favorite way to prepare it is grilled, chilled and with a balsamic glaze or a hollandaise dipping sauce I came up with. However, sautee'd in a little bit of LOLUB makes for a tasty treat, too, as lohg as there's lemon with the spears. One must have fresh lemon with the asparagus...or it's just a nice green veg. Lemon takes it to a whole new level...doncha think, Rosie?

  2. Phyl, the lemon's in there. I put lemon on everything.

    As Mr. Hawthorne explains to waitpersons when I ask for my "unsweetened ice tea with five pieces of lemon please,"
    "She likes a little tea with her lemon."
