Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Srirachachacha Bubbles And The Last Of Our Oysters.

The Hawthornes are finishing off the last of our oysters. Sniff. Sniff. Care to guess about the bubbles? My dear friend, Marion, who likes to keep me on my toes, recently sent me an email with a suggestion I might try out. Thankfully, the email wasn't one of Marions's usual ilk, which invariably involves braised camel hump, the penis of some hapless animal, or some other delicacy. Marion linked me to Ruth Reichl's blog, who linked the recipe for Sriracha Bubbles to SaltySeattle. I'm going to give this a try.
These are the last of our oysters. We've already had 5-6 bushels this season. I've lost count.
I shucked about 24 ersters.
I started on Ruth Reichl's recipe- the one she got from SaltySeattle, for the Sriracha Sauce. SeattleGal was doing 12 oysters. Rosie is doing 24. I doubled the recipe for the sauce. 1/2 cup Sriracha 1 1/2 cups distilled water 2 tsp soy lecithin powder Didn't need to double this. Plenty as it was. I put the excess in a squirt bottle and I'm saving it for special occasions.
I called GNC in south Nags Head to see if they had soy lecithin powder, as required in the recipe. They had soy lecithin granules.
This is what soy lecithin granules look like. I need the powder.
Not a problem. Rosie can deal.
I poured the distilled water and Sriracha sauce into a heavy sauce pan and brought it to a boil.
I added in the soy lecithin powder.
I love immersion blending.
I poured the mixture into a shallower dish and aerated as best I could. Aeration is key. The soy lecithin powder contributes to the stabilization of the bubbles, meaning this is an instant accessory for your meal. Accent your meals with beautifully jeweled bubbles. Works for me.
Here it is on a plate.
I had a few raw oysters in this lovely, heady condiment.
Rosie wants more. She took 4 parts grated Parmesan cheese, Il Villagio from the Teeter, 2-3 parts Hot Hungarian Paprika 1 part sugar
Top oysters with Parmesan mix. Pour a lemon/butter mixture over top.
Put under broiler at 400 degrees for 3 minutes. This is amazing. This is my most favorite type of oyster ever. Except if you do it on the grill.
I put a little cloud of the Sriracha Bubbles on the oysters.
Such bubblishciousness.
I dipped Mr. Hawthorne's steamed oysters into the melted butter and lemon blend I made.
Topped with some Sriracha bubbles.
Now, what to do with the veggie salad I made the other day?
I refreshed it with more dressing.
And I gave it a big zing with the deflated bubbles of my Sriracha Sauce.
Love it.
Thanks, Marion for the heads up on the Sriracha bubbles. Now that I have my soy lecithin, I will be implementing this in many other ways.


  1. So, how long do the bubbles last? And what's next for bubblization?

    And Rosie, there's still 3 weeks left in April - that's time for another bushel or two.

  2. Bubbles last about 30 minutes.

    And I'm thinking about bubblizing a mint simple syrup for my Easter lamb.

    And yes, I might just squeeze in another bushel.

  3. Hmm, if that works out, maybe the Hawthornes should try bubbly mint syrup for the mint juleps you'll have to make for the Kentucky Derby? Does bubblization really taste any different?

    And Rosie, anyone who brandishes a pig's head on her blog really shouldn't complain about camel humps or penises, which after all, are much more discreet.

  4. Doesn't taste any different. It's purely eye candy. The sriracha sauce looked almost like caviar.

    I like bubbles.
