Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Welcome To Rosie's Garden. Et Environs.

Mr. Mallard on my pier.
I love the delicate colors of this iris ...
... the royal purple in this iris ...
... and the vibrant blue of my bachelor button AKA cornflower, or centaurea cyanus.
More irises.
White salvia.
Bearded iris.
Ice plant or delosperma. You can break off cuttings of these, stick them any where, and they thrive. Very drought-tolerant.
Another bachelor button. This is the only one of this lighter purple color. All the others (100+?) are of the brilliant blue.
Erysimus (wallflower), calendula, and poppy.
Cilantro blooming.
Some type of blue phlox?
I've bought ferns before and planted them. They always died. This one is growing out of the bulkhead around the pool. Naturally.
Here's my herb garden before pruning. Stay tuned to see the pruned herb garden.
Check out the sizes of the blossoms.
Roses are not supposed to be fringed. Needs spraying. Some little bugger is in there.
Another dianthus AKA pinks.
Salvia. Oh wait. Is it Veronica?
Foxgloves AKA digitalis.
Spicy dianthus. Mar, is this also called Sweet William?
Downed black bearded iris.
This looks like petunia, but it's not. They're miniature. And they've lived in this terra cotta pot on my driveway for years. I barely ever water them. Wish I could remember the name. Mar? Hmmm. Could it be Calibrachoa?
Wild orchids.
Chives on left and scallions on right, blooming.
I left my hand in these pictures so you can get an idea of how big these blossoms are.
This is Deutzia. Mr. Hawthorne's mother found this at an old abandoned house and had it dug up. Mr. Hawthorne brought it home to me last year. I planted it and now it's blooming.
Deutzia. The blossoms are incredibly fragrant.
Baby's breath or gypsophylla.
One of the ice plant cuttings I stuck in between the rocks.
My hydrangea is setting blooms.
I love the color of this blue iris.
Veronica or salvia, Mar?


  1. Rosie! I want some of that deutzia. Really.

  2. Lovely garden.
    Let's see (and these may or may not be in order): yes, it is a phlox. If the dianthus is taller, the flowers are grouped in a globular shape and the plant is a biennial, then it likely is Sweet William. There are miniature varieties of petunias and those leaves do resemble petunia leaves. I have had petunias reseed here. Given what I can see from the photograph, I would say that the plant is a veronica. How is that?

  3. Marion, I'll see if I can't cut some shoots and propagate them for you.

  4. After further research, I believe your guess about the one plant being Calibrachoa is correct. You get a cookie!

  5. Whoot for me!

    Thanks, Mar, for all your help in identifying for me. Note to self: Next time, save the seed box.
