Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Box Of Pictures.

When Mama Hawthorne died, I went H.O.M.E. and did what I could. And it was never enough. I found a box full of pictures and I brought them to my home. I stuffed the box of pics in the utility room. And a few days ago, I found that box in an upstairs bedroom. I'd bet Daughter Hawthorne found them downstairs and brought them upstairs. Here's a delicious picture I found: Who the crap keeps a box of Animal Crackers when they're sledding? It's me and Elizabeth W. M. I have cried doing this post. When I saw this picture. Elizabeth is in back. I'm in front. Elizabeth is dead. But she lives on in my heart.


  1. That is a sweet picture, Rosie. We always knew you were always about the food, btw.

  2. By the way, thanks for making me feel like the idiot characters in that show about the people from Indiana who couldn't figure out the character codes. Just because it took me three times to get the first one right and What the Heck is that below? Wish me luck, I'm going in...

    Well, that didn't work... try number two...

  3. you were dipping those animal crackers in bittersweet chocolate.

  4. I have a long history of foodie-ism. :)

  5. Awww. Yes it was I who relocated G.Poo's pictures to the upstairs bedroom.

  6. I knew it had to be you, DH.
    And for my readers, that's Daughter Hawthorne, not Dear Husband, and not the "other one."
