Thursday, February 9, 2012

Rosie's Little Squirrel.

For the first time in our 25 years of living here, we have a squirrel. He appeared this summer. Actually, there is more than one. There's a nest in my pines along the canal front on the west and there's another nest in the trees along the north side. This squirrel comes several times every day to look for goodies on our deck. He likes sunflowers, peanuts, and pecans. He does not like pretzels. My little squirrel likes to bury his nuts in my barely coming up scallions directly outside my window. I've noticed the Miracle Gro Potting Soil ain't what it used to be.
Cute little hands. He has thumbs! I wonder what he's eating. I must name him. Or is it a her?


  1. In honor of Bullwinkle, I vote for Rocky. Try peanut butter on the pretzels...they love that stuff! My brother and sister in law have a pet squirrel that was abandoned in their barn as a wee one. He's completely tame and LOVES people, especially my young nieces. I have pictures on facebook...they ARE cute Little buggers, aren't they!?

  2. Tree rats. They will be digging up your bulbs and eating them. If you're lucky they might not get in your house, chew a wire, and burn the place down.
    You need a Havahart trap and get rid of them pronto! I suggest giving them a ride across the Alligator River...unless Mr. H. likes them with gravy and a biscuit. Squirrels fear me! :~)

  3. Folks, I see a Rocky Casserole in our future.

  4. Crap. Now I can't name him since I'm gonna eat him.

  5. Gpoo always called them Orville.

  6. Mr Hawthorne can make himself a Squirel fir merkin

  7. nobody better kill that squirrel

  8. They're feeding it and making it feel safe, so when Giada comes to visit it will be too fat and happy to scamper away.
