Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Rosie Stir Fries.

  Rosie is making a quick stir fry for lunch today.
I love a good stir fry.
It's an excellent utilization of resources.

And when I say quick stir fry,
I mean quick.

We'd found some Denver steak 
marked way down at Food Lion,
so that's our meat for the stir fry.
Mr. Hawthorne thinly sliced the meat
and marinated it in
2 TB each soy sauce and rice vinegar
 with a pinch of sugar
and a tablespoon or so of cornstarch.

As for the rest of the ingredients,
I have sliced garlic and ginger,
snow peas, carrots, celery, 
mushrooms, and onions.
After the fact, I found some peanuts
which we threw in at the last minute.

Have everything ready and within reach.
When one is stir frying,
one cannot stop in the middle to look for an ingredient.

Have a bowl ready to put your cooked ingredients in
and have a plate at hand to cover it.

First, I'll stir fry all the vegetables in one swoop,
pour them into the bowl and cover it.
Then I'll reheat the wok to cook the meat
which I'll be doing in batches.
I keep everything waiting in the bowl,
until the last batch of meat is cooked,
then I add everything back to the wok
and pour a cornstarch slurry down the side of the wok
stirring to thicken and coat.

 Heat your wok over high heat.
Add in a tablespoon of peanut oil and let it heat,
swirling it around in the pan.
When it's hothothot, 
add in 1/3 of the garlic and ginger
and the vegetables,
stirring constantly.
Time: 1:52
 I like to add in a pinch of sugar
and a few grinds of salt.
Brings the flavors out.

 A minute later,
I poured in a few tablespoons of water
down the side of the wok
and let the vegetables steam for a few seconds,
until the water evaporated.
I turned the vegetables into a bowl and covered.

 Let the wok reheat and add 2 TB peanut oil.
When it's hothothot,
add in 1/2 the ginger and garlic
and 1/2 the meat. 

Time:  1:53
 Stir fry about 2 minutes.
Turn meat into bowl with vegetables and cover.

Time:  1:55

Reheat wok and peanut oil.
Add remaining ginger and garlic
and the rest of the meat.

  Time:  1:57

 Time:  1:59

 Return the bowl contents to the wok.
Time:  1:59

 Pour a cornstarch slurry down the side of the wok.
2 TB cornstarch mixed with 1/2 cup beef broth
Time:  1:59

 Keep stirring until sauce thickens and coats.
Throw in a handful of roasted peanuts.
Time:  2:00
And we have lunch!


8 minutes of active work.
And about that long to prep everything.
Why go out and eat when you can cook this in 16 minutes?

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