Rachael has her "Carry."
Giada has her "Reach."

I don't think Food Network
will ever have Giada wearing a turtle neck.

But considering the targeted demographic for Food Network
15-35 year old males,
I find it slightly amusing that production assistants
on Giada's shows always put her ingredients
just slightly out of reach,
so Giada has to lunge toward the cameras
to retrieve said ingredients.
Stereo even.

Well, just sitting pretty,
Giada has a rather nice chest.

Leave it to FN
to make the most of it.
You don't think this could be ...
on the part of Food Network,
do you?
Giada, dear,
we know you have a magnificent rack.
We just don't need to see it All.The.Time.
Give the girls a rest once in a while.
It's all very carefully orchestrated cleavage.
Giada, you sly fox you.
You little vixen!
They're pulling her
lower lip down.

Items are always placed just a bit
outside of Giada's reach,
so she has to
reach for the item.

It's not even subtle.
I guess there are some
we should be thankful
we didn't have to see.
this too.
Hmmmmm, Rache, hon?
Don't even try.

You're totally out of the league.
Check out this
Gives new meaning to the phrase "Food Porn,"
doesn't it?

I don't smoke,
but I think I need a cigarette now.
Geez Rosie, a little preoccupied with boobage today, aren't we? Next time I come down, I'll wear my lowest cut top so I, too, can display my rack just for you...
ReplyDeleteMy husband enjoyed this post and suggested making it a weekly feature.
ReplyDeleteThat is one thing I just cannot fault Giada for... the way clothes are today, it can be hard to find stuff that DOESN'T put the girls out there that isn't also "frumpy".
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah... I also show about as much cleavage when I cook in my own home. Granted, I'm not wearing the cute tops like Giada, but there is only so much coverage that a shelf-bra tank top can provide.
Errrr... No Kathy. But thanks for the offer.
ReplyDeleteActually, the preoccupation (if you want to call it that ... I call it a dalliance.) was not just today.
I've been working on this post for several weeks.
And thank you, Anonymous, for your husband's suggestion. I just might do that.
ReplyDeleteNever can have too much inyourfaceboobage.
This is your best posting so far! Thank you thank you thank you!