Sunday, March 29, 2009

'cause Nothing Celebrates The Resurrection Like Inflatable Bunnies.

Some of my regular readers may remember this post from the Hawthornes' December trip to Danville. On Highway 86, there's a yard which is decorated to the teeth for every season. Here it is for Christmas: Mama Hawthorne, click to enlarge to take in the full glory of the display. And yesterday,when Mr. Hawthorne and I drove by, I made him stop so I could get some pictures of their Easter display.
I wonder where this stuff is stored the rest of the year. Because these people don't miss a holiday. I'm guessing they have a lot of time on their hands. Me? I'm happy if I get the Christmas tree decorated by Christmas Eve and the front porch lights down by Easter.


  1. That's what I love: the classy addition (except not) to the landscape by inflatable holiday decorations.

  2. I guess it's no worse that celebrating the Baby Jesus by hanging booze glasses all over your Christmas tree.

  3. Somehow I'll bet somebody's got some grandbaby's that love to go see granny & gramps on the holidays.
    A little much for my taste, but hey, you just loose it a bit when you're trying to impress the little ones, right?
