Sunday, May 8, 2011

Maxine's Backyard.

For those of you who love Maxine's backyard, (I'm looking at Marion and Marilyn), I give you ... Maxine's morning backyard: I'm really sorry I missed the azaleas blooming. Maxine's afternoon backyard:
Tree canopy.
This is a lovely spot to sit and read. Which is exactly what I did.


Marilyn said...

I can just imagine sitting back there and enjoying the sights and sounds of nature.

Thank you, Maxine and Rosie!

Marion Walsh said...

Hey, thanks! I love studying the pix - think I've figured out the plants but what kind of trees does Maxine have?

Anonymous said...

I love the dappled sun/shade in her yard.

Rosie Hawthorne said...

Marion, The back right has a huge crape myrtle. I'll get back to you about the others.