Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Rosie Prepares Rockfish In A Rum Butter Sauce With A Fruit Salsa.

Hi, everybody.
Lori VanderKamp,
 of The VanderKamps of Michigan,
visited with the Hawthornes recently.

The Hawthornes are serving.
 We've had appetizers -  Shrimp Caprese.

We've had Caesar Salad and homemade croutons.

Now, I'm on to the main meal.
This involves rockfish in a rum butter sauce
with a fresh fruit salsa.

I love a refreshing fruit salsa to serve with seafood.
I'm going with seedless red grapes,
strawberries, and kiwi.

Simply slice and mix together.

I sliced my rockfish filet into three pieces.
Freshly ground salt and pepper.
Heat the skillet over medium high heat.
Add butter and oil -
butter for flavor, oil to increase the smoke point.

Sear filets until almost done.
Maybe a minute each side.

Add a good splash of rum and reduce a bit.
Then add butter, a pat at a time,
whisking into the pan juices,
until you have a nice emulsified sauce.

Spoon sauce over rockfish
and top with salsa.

Stay tuned for the scallops.


zzzadig said...

Whine, snivel, whine....I want some.

Rosie Hawthorne said...

You know where to come!