Friday, June 20, 2008

Everyday Crap.

Remember Daughter Hawthorne's ordeal the other night, with the cop ? He pulled her because her right tail light was out. Then found out she didn't have her registration up-to-date. Or a proper inspection sticker. Well, Dear Daughter went online with the NC-DMV. Even though she had registered her change-of-address at the Post Office, the DMV had sent her registration renewal to her address from 3 years ago. So she never got it. And really, didn't know to look for it. So she registered online and took the receipt to the local Jeep dealership to get an inspection sticker. They called me a few hours later. Her Jeep is a 2002, and they DON'T MAKE the light assembly anymore. (The red thingie had a hole in it. Like a BB shot.) The Jeep dealership had found one in Alabama, apparently the only one in the nation, and they could ship it and it would be approximately $395 to fix one rear bulb and lamp assembly. Apparently all the wiring was corroded too. Mr. Hawthorne declined. Daughter got a "Rejected" inspection sticker and now has thirty days to fix things. Mr. Hawthorne got home and called Bayside Body Shop, where we've done business for years. "Bring it in," they say. They called back in 30 minutes. Fixed it. Put a used bulb in it. Some tape over the hole. Done. NO CHARGE. I really hate that Jeep dealership. So this morning, she had an appointment at another place to get an inspection sticker. She calls back and tells me they can't do it because we're in Dare County and her address is in Pitt County. So why did the Jeep dealership even bother trying? I'm sad to say Daughter Hawthorne and Giada left today. Before she left, she ran up to the deck to give us a hug goodbye, calling out loudly, "Mama, have you figured out yet who the asshole neighbor was that called the cops on you last night?" This, as several asshole neighbors stood in their yards. Gotta love that kid. I see a lot of me in her. Love you, L!

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