Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mama Hawthorne's Backyard.

Mama Hawthorne has a lovely hydrangea bush in her backyard.

Close ups of beautiful blue hydrangea.

This is a carriage stone in my mother's backyard.
Yes. A carriage stone.
From the 19th century.
The initials on the front are RWP, for Richard Warner Peatross,
my great grandfather -
my mother's mother's father,
Judge Peatross,
who died in 1919.

I remember the story Mimi (Mama Hawthorne's Mama)
used to tell me all the time about her Daddy.
He had run into somebody on the street and greeted him, and the greetee told him,
"I never speak to idiots."
Judge Peatross immediately responded with,
"I always do."

Funny how you remember these little stories.

BTW, my middle name is PEATROSS,
pronounced Pe-truss.
Not Peat-Ross, as the Vice Principal at my High School gradumacation pernounced it.


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