Friday, October 24, 2008

Rosie Stands Corrected.

A few posts back, I wrote this: I remember when I didn't eat a lot of types of foods, (Hey, I was 8.) (OK, maybe 18 too.) and Mama would cook collard greens. I'd walk into the house and my nasal pasages would immediately be assaulted by the pungent, shall I say, "Outhouse," odor of the collards. Daddy would pour some vinegar over top the collard greens and Mama would be all ragass on him because she hated the vinegar smell. Go figger. Oh, Mama Hawthorne, if you would like to comment on this, since my memory might not be exactly spot on, please feel free to do so. After talking with Mama Hawthorne last night, I learned she was cooking turnip salad greens, not collards. Just needed to correct that. Carry on.

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