Saturday, March 24, 2012

Charter Communications Sucks Once Again.

I went to my Windows Live Mail Account an hour ago, and I noticed my entire inbox has been mysteriously emptied except for one message from Amazon for me to rate my experience with a particular seller, which, by the way, was particularly bad.

I remember I had three bills in my inbox which were deleted - a DirectTV for one of the children (which is auto-pay), a Citi Card bill (But I forget which one.  And, oh.  Citi Card?  BITE ME!), and, ironically, a Charter Communications bill.

So I travel on over to to log in to check my emails and GUESS WHAT.  I can't log on.  Charter Communications is rejecting my password.  I call Charter.  At the first robotic voice, I scream REPRESENTATIVE!!!!!  I know what to do.  I've done this soooooo many times.   Then at the second robotic voice, I yell INTERNET!!!!!  EMAIL!!!!!

My blood pressure is up.  I talk to the lovely Barbara, who is not the person to talk to about this issue.  She transfers me to Mollie, whom I can't understand.  I always try to get the names right.  Makes it personal.  I ask Mollie to repeat her name, because I really didn't get it the first two times.  She spelled it for me:  M-A-W-I.  Mawi weset my password but now I'm getting no emails at Windows Wive, which I awso hate.  Give me Windows Express any day.
 When Mawi weset my password and I went to my account, guess again.
 THERE WERE NO EMAILS in there except the one from Amazon.

And Mawi is trying to tell me how to go into my Windows Wive account and save the messages.  Finawy, we were "disconnected."  Heh.  Buh bye, Mawi!

Hmm ...

Oh,  Mr. Hawthorne?  How many times has this happened before?

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning,

    My name is Dylan Hill, and I am a Senior Social Media Specialist for Charter. I’m sorry to see that you’ve been having so much trouble with your email! I would be happy to help you get this resolved!. Please send an e-mail to with your name, address, and phone number. Lastly, please put “CharterDylan – Blogger “ in the subject line so that I can keep an eye out for the e-mail.

    Here is more information on the Charter Social Media team for your reference:

    Thank you,

    Dylan T Hill
    Senior Social Media Specialist – Charter
