Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Look For My Blog.

Hello, all. I decided to try a different look for my blog. A face lift, if you will. After all, it's been a year. What doth ye think? I'm liking it. It's a cleaner look, I think.


  1. What did it used to look like? Attenshun to detail is impotent.

  2. I still have yet to play with half the fun stuff they've added lately.

    But I do have a question....

    Rolling pie dough. I can do a lot of things, but rolling pie dough... it always ends up looking kinda like Texas. I've seen you make some purty pies. How do I roll out pie dough so it resembles something round and non-Texas like? (Not that there is anything wrong with Texas or even Texas shaped pie, as long as that is what you are going for)

  3. Mrs.VJW, Dust your rolling surface with flour, liberally. Now that I have granite counter tops, I use them for rolling. They're cool, so the butter stays in little clumps in the dough and doesn't smush out. I start at the center and roll out in all directions. Then I frequently turn the dough over, sprinkling both sides with the flour. I try to keep it even when I roll it out. It just takes turning over frequently. Good luck.

    Oh, and the change in my blog style is not a new thing.

    Go to templates and experiment.

  4. Mrs. VJW,
    Go to "customize" at top right, then "pick new template" at top left.

    And xmaskatie, sheesh. It used to be dark green and blue.
