Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Welcome To Rosie's November Garden.

An assortment of greenery under my mimosa tree. Elephant ears, umbrella plant (Syneilesis acontifolia), fatsia japonica, spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum). Can't remember what the purple is. Mar? Help? And that would be Mar of Foodies Untie Blogdom.
Clumps of chives on the the right. Big clump of cilantro.
Double Delight.
Volunteer zinnias.
Leopard plant. Farfugium japonicum 'Aureomaculatum'
Blooms of leopard plant.
Fatsia japonica blooms.
Fragrant paperwhites.
Had a bit of wind and rain the other day and I need to get down here and rake up the pine needles.
My pond. With little fishy Daughter Hawthorne gave me years ago.
Shamrocks. (Oxalis)
Nasturtiums in the background.
Mr. Lincoln.
Ice plant. (Delosperma)
Volunteer zinnias and amaranthus.
Brazilian plume flower. (Jacobinia carnea)
First bloom on my nasturtiums.


  1. Moses-in-a-Basket...happy Thanksgiving in case I'm not across the table from you tomorrow!
    I'll be eating capon. :~)

  2. Thank you, Woodduck.

    Moses in a Basket.
    I love the names of these plants. Like my amaranthus - "Love Lies Bleeding."
