Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Fun day today.

I spent today cleaning out my daughter's bedroom, readying it for painting and flooring. Took down all the stuff she had stuck to her walls, with pins, scotch tape, nails, screws, and yes, sadly, glue. Here, I'm trying to razor blade up all the 200+ smiley face stickers she applied to her window sill ... oh ... 15 years ago.

Then, my very good neighbor, Bob, came by and brought me a 5-gallon bucket of blue crabs. It took me two large pots to steam them in. When we were tonging them out of the bucket INto my pots, they reminded me of that Barrel of Monkeys game kids play. All the little blue crabbies were holding claws.

Here are the steamed crabs.

These crabs are going to be delicious and juicy.

They're fattening up for winter.

I'll get Mr. Hawthorne to pick them tonight.

Best way to eat crab meat is with butter and lemon juice. But I do happen to have another recipe for crab meat in a boule which I'll try to share with you tomorrow.

Ed started on the deck today with the composite planks. This is SLOOOW work. We'll be getting the whole house low-pressure/chemical sprayed to get off the mold and mildew and sun damage after Ed finishes the deck.

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