Monday, October 8, 2007

I think I found my backsplash tile.

I truly couldn't get to Home Depot fast enough today to return those tiles I bought. What was I thinking? Anyways, I went back to the kitchen shop and checked out their tiles. What I was looking for was something iridescent or opalescent, kind of like mother of pearl, something that shimmers and changes colors depending on your angle of view or the type of light on it, or as Mr. Hawthorne calls it ... delicatesscent. (This is the same man who sent me to the bank to pick up the new Sacajaweja coins and told me to ask for the Saskatchewan dollars. Plus, I have a friend who speaks of Napoleon Ice Cream and Palomino Peppers, but, again, I digress.) Anyways, I think I've found it folks: I'm leaning toward either the Pearl 02 or the Fleet Blue 27. They've ordered some samples so I can actually see the tiles. I think it's going to work. The abalone is going to look f'ntastic with this. While I was there, I also got to go back to the manufacturing shop and got a sneak peak at my cabinet fronts. They have raised panels and dentil molding and they are beautiful. And ... best part ... they will be installed tomorrow morning. Kitchen folks are coming at 8AM, then appliances will be installed tomorrow. I'm am so stoked.

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