Hee. Dixie thinks nobody can see her.
There was an apple cider place in Bat Cave, NC, where we stopped on our little jaunt. A country store, if you will. They sold all sorts of stuff. Jellies, jams, preserves, honeys. I found a sourwood honey. AND IT WASN'T ANYTHING CLOSE TO SOURWOOD. Mr. H. and I brought one of his jars of sourwood honey along with us to take to our daughter. We saw this jar in the store and had to buy it to check it out. We did a taste test with new jar and Mr. H.'s jar. No comparison. No way this new stuff was sourwood. Buyer Beware! Caveat emptor.
YAYYYYYYYY HAHAHAHAHA she DOES think she's camoflauged in the floor. She's such a little princess. I love dixieeeeeeeee :)