Thursday, July 23, 2009

Happy Seventieth Anniversary Old Bay Seasoning And I'm Having A Contest.

I was recently contacted by Old Bay Seasoning's PR company. They noticed I occasionally use Old Bay Seasoning in my recipes, and in honor of Old Bay's 70th anniversary, offered me a Basket of the Bay gift bag containing Old Bay Seasoning, Old Bay Steamer Bag, 3 classic Old Bay recipes, a beach bag, a beach towel, a key chain/can opener, and my personal favorite, a temporary tattoo of a can of Old Bay Seasoning.
Whoot! Lookie here. My Basket of the Bay gift bag arrived today.
Junior really liked the beach towel.
Here are my goodies.
And thanks to Old Bay, I'm able to offer one lucky reader their very own Basket of the Bay gift bag. Ooooh. I'm excited. I've never done a blog contest before. All you have to do is comment here with your favorite Old Bay-inspired recipe. The deadline is Monday, July 27, 2009, at 3:42 AM. The accounting firm of Price Waterhouse will be assisting in the tabulation of votes. (Not really.) So, Dear Readers, get crackin' on your Old Bay recipes and comment here. One of you will win the Basket of the Bay! The winner will be announced Tuesday, July 28. 2020. Hah! Not really. Check back with me next week for the winner. Thank you very much, Old Bay, for my Gift Basket and your kind words. And here's the nice email I received last week from Old Bay:


Where do I begin! All your recipes look so good and I already have a few that I intend on attempting. Lobster bisque is my absolute favorite, so I am going to have to attempt your recipe when it’s not so hot out. What I do intend on trying out soon are a few of your oyster recipes. I have to say I have never had oysters any other way than raw, but your blog has inspired me to try them a few other ways!

I noticed that you used Old Bay Seasoning in some of your recipes and thought you may be interested in knowing that OLD BAY is celebrating their 70th anniversary this year. In celebration of their 70th anniversary they have re-created three of their classic recipes. I would love to send you these recipes to try out along with a “Basket of the Bay” gift bag that will include: Old Bay Seasoning, Old Bay Steamer Bag, beach bag, beach towel, keychain with bottle opener and a temporary tattoo.

I know you don’t offer giveaways on your blog, but if you would like offer one of your readers a “Basket of the Bay” gift bag of their own to help OLD BAY celebrate, all you would need to do is send me an e-mail with your winner’s mailing address and I will handle the shipping. Perhaps you could ask your readers to comment on their favorite Old Bay-inspired recipe.

If you would like to receive your own gift bag, please send me your mailing address and I will get it out to you right away.

I look forward to hearing from you!



  1. Hmmm, my favorite Old Bay-inspired recipe?

    Oooh, I know - open a can of tuna, drain, mix with mayonnaise, salt, pepper, diced celery & Old Bay. Smear on a slice of bread. Top with thinly sliced cucumbers & a slice of provolone. Lightly butter the other slice and slap 'em together!

  2. Well.... I can say that I finally got around to buying a can of Old Bay because of your blog. Does that count?

    Rosie Rocks!

  3. Carol makes mental note to purchase Old Bay and associated complimentary ingredients on the way home....

  4. Chicken and rice with summer veggies

    6 whole Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts
    3 tablespoons Olive Oil
    ½ tablespoons Garlic Powder
    ½ tablespoons Garlic Salt
    2 tablespoons Chopped Fresh Chives
    2 tablespoons Chopped, Fresh Curly Parsley
    2 teaspoons Ground Black Pepper
    2 teaspoons Old Bay Seasoning
    2 teaspoons Seasoning Salt
    2 whole Medium Green Bell Peppers, Chopped
    ½ whole Medium Red Bell Pepper Chopped
    ½ whole Medium Yellow Bell Pepper, Chopped
    3 whole Tomatoes, Chopped
    1 whole Large Red Onion, Chopped
    2 zucchini sliced
    2 yellow squash sliced
    2 cups buttered steamed rice

    1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

    2. In a medium bowl, mix the olive oil, garlic salt, garlic powder, parsley, chives, pepper, Old Bay Seasoning, and seasoning salt. Rub the chicken breasts with 1/2 the mixture, and place the breasts in a medium baking dish.

    3. Toss the bell peppers, tomatoes,zucchini, yellow squash and red onion with the remaining olive oil mixture. Arrange over the chicken.

    4. Bake 1 hour in the preheated oven, stirring the vegetables once, until the vegetables are tender, the chicken is no longer pink, and its juices run clear.

    5. serve over rice

  5. Congrats on having the Old Bay folks recognize your blog!

  6. Well I don't have a recipe but I love to sprinkle Old Bay on freshly popped popcorn. That's my favorite use for it. I've also used it as a seasoning for cooking chicken breasts and of course seafood.
    PS. this is the first message i've left on a blog! But I really do like reading yours and I've used a lot of your tips!
